· Representative Welfare State Youth Network_ Seoul, Republic of Korea
Aug. 2015 - Current
The first youth welfare state network in South Korea, hearing out the youth’s hidden voices and calling for feasible administrative supports
√ Drew a significant contribution to introducing the welfare policy for the youth in need
√ Played significant role in introducing youth allowance for the first time as part of the youth policy by Seoul
√ Actively engaged in the process of establishing policy and its implementation to make the policy realistic, actionable, and helpful for all interested parties
· Head of Center
Feb. 2018 - Dec. 2022
Seoul Youth Zone (Seoul Youth Center), “Zero-gravity zone”
√ Chosen as the “Best” institution for the performance evaluation of youth projects, for 3-consecutive years from 2019~2021, credited by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, helping about 3,000 youths with Youth Program
√ Built a regional community to uncover the marginalized youth in the region